Tuesday, September 22, 2009

...and so it begins

Where do I start to write...might as well start at the end. The end of my long (54 year) association with the great mid-west. It's been a whrilwind to get to this point...somewhere north of the Iowa border on Hwy 35.
Almost exactly one year ago I made arrangements to spend 5 weeks in Chicxulub, Mexico...that's on the north shore of the Yucatan Peninsula, the shores of the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. While staying there renting a cassita from a wonderful Canadian couple I hatched my plan to buy a home in that area and get my sorry self out of Wisconsin winters once and for all.
Over the next 6 months, while back in Wisconsin and for about 6 months in Minnesota, I worked with a realtor from Merida to find and buy a home in Chelem, Mexico. Over the Memorial Day holiday I flew to Merida to look at properties and finalize the details of the sale with an abvogado (lawyer).
The purchase of the home was finalized in July...and the home was renovated...and now it's sitting under the four coconut trees waiting for me.
In the last year I have also lost a job in Wisconsin...worked on my Wis. home...found a job in Minnesota, moved into a condo...listed and sold my home...and moved out of my condo. Plus...I had to get rid of almost everything I owned that wouldn't fit into my Caravan for the trip to Chelem!! I literally had to condense 54 years of life in the mid-west into one van-load!!
In the last week I have found that the Good-Byes have been more difficult. My two wonderful children...my good friends who mean so much to me...family that is worried about me...hugs and tears all around. I miss you all so much already.
So...here I am at the end of that long, busy, wonderful journey...and I'm also at the begining of the new adventure...4 hours into a journey that will take us over 2800 miles from Wisconsin to Chelem and my four coconut trees on the Gulf Coast of the Yucatan.
Just like the song in the movie says..."...that's where you'll find me"


Star said...

I think you are going to do real well at blogging buzz. Have a smoooth trip driving down .

Kitty said...

happy trails to you Buzz. Love the blog! looking forward to following your new journey in life.

The Beskow Family said...

Can't wait to hear about all of your great adventures. We'll miss you! Hopefully someday we can come check out your coconuts. Oh - I mean your coconut trees. Ha ha ha. Love you Buzz.

Unknown said...

We'll miss you Buzzicito. Godspeed. Looking forward to blog updates. And a visit someday, perhaps. Hasta luego.