Sunday, September 27, 2009

See....You told me so!!!

It's been quite a 2 day trip from Corpus Christi to Veracruz. We made it across the border with a minor hiccup...then the trip seemed to take on a life of it's own. Yada, Yada, Yada...over 24 hours later we were in Veracruz.
Listen to the details on our podcast. It's our first attempt at podcasting. Comment to tell us how you like it.

We will be leaving Veracruz by noon Sunday...not sure what today's destination is. We have been enjoying the ups and downs of the trip so far but we are very excited to get to Chelem and see the new home and our good friends there.
Thanks for reading the blog and check back as the tale continues


Mrs. Nielsen said...

OMG. . . I told you so doesn't quite cover it.

The Beskow Family said...

You got shook down by the Mexican mafia. Glad you made it out alive - and only $100 poorer!

starr said...

wow what a perilous journey...a big "told you so"!

Heidi said...

That was AWESOME! The mankiest situations make the BEST stories later...